Our Story

Welcome to Advanced Ape Creations! I'm Jodi Yonemoto-Thomas, a Japanese American woman with deep roots in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I started this company with a vision of bridging my cultural roots with the boundless creativity of the present. With the artistic, and emotional, support of my husband, Brett Thomas, we have embarked on a journey to share our love of all art.

As we’ve made our way through life together, our shared passions blossomed. Always dabbling in some sort of art medium, we found ourselves drawn to the world of laser-cut art. With our combined talents and a shared vision, we set out on this creative journey, becoming officially established in early 2023.

Our art is more than just craftsmanship; it's a piece of our hearts, an embodiment of our connection to each other and our community. Each creation is a testament to our shared dreams and our commitment to transforming inspiration into art.

We invite you to explore our gallery and experience the stories our art tells. Every piece has a tale to share, whether it’s a connection to our beloved New Mexico, embracing my Japanese American culture, or finding inspiration in the fun and zany, it’s love that fuels our creativity.

Thank you for being a part of our artistic adventure. We are forever evolving and we look forward to crafting more dreams and sharing them with all of you.

With love and artistry,

Brett and Jodi Yonemoto-Thomas